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Allison and Jeffrey

Wichita, KS, United States

Jeff proposed a year and a half before our wedding day in front of the castle at Walt Disney World. Being a huge Disney fan my entire life, this was a dream proposal that I could not wait to say yes to!

On our wedding day we woke up to a snowy morning, which we only get a few of every year. I had been praying for snow on my wedding day ever since we got engaged and, to me, that was my daddy's way of saying from heaven that he was blessing our marriage. We spent the morning getting ready in adorable suites at the venue before beginning pictures. Being the video game nerds that they are, Jeff and his groomsmen pranked me by bringing in the whole set up for Rock Band so I would see the pictures later (I told them no video games at the wedding, haha). Following some pictures we went to the church and had a beautiful ceremony surrounded by all our family and friends. For the unity part of the ceremony, we both had different colors of glass that we poured in together. We will take the combined glass pieces back to the glassblower and he will create an art piece out of these.

Our reception was back at the venue and it was a snowy wonderland. Jeff agreed to let me teach him how to dance, and our choreographed first number was a hit! (Mainly because his family had no idea he possessed any dance skills.) Our bacon bar was gone in a flash, but the food that followed was delicious. We also wanted to have entertainment to keep guests there with us all night, and we knew our families were not big dancers, so we brought in casino games and they did the trick. We had three blackjack tables, a craps table, and a horse race station. The games were so much fun and definitely kept people there and entertained for the evening.

The entire day was beautiful, absolutely everything was perfect. Our family and friends surrounded us and joined us in celebrating our love, and that was the overwhelming feel of that day. I am so grateful and my heart will forever be so full when I think back on that day, and that is the most I could ever hope for. Cheers!

Jeff & Allison





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